Sunday, 24 January 2010

"You dirty thieves! You dirty thieves! You dirty thieves!" How things have changed since Obama's election over a year ago. A public, which, then, could never be more together, has slowly turned into a public that could never be more apart. An electorate which, then, voted Obama in for healthcare reform, has silently been wishing to impeach him on the same issue. A country, which, then, was proud to be making history, has become a country of regret. Obama, to Americans, was an inspiration, a whirlwind,...

Saturday, 23 January 2010

It's Saturday 23rd of January. It may be a dark day for many; but nothing haunts more than the clouds at NBC. Bodies lay strewn across studio floors, producers cry in anguish, and there is an eerie silence. Conan has been defeated. ... Okay, maybe not, but tomorrow (tonight in the US) really WILL see the end of the late night war that has plagued and pleasured our TV screens for the past couple of weeks. We've seen it all- bad imitations, ruthless slagging matches, and even the odd protest. Despite...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Hi everyone! If you're going by my past posts, you're probably expecting me to rant on about NBC's late night situation, and get all mad about some old guy who's spouting a load of bollocks. But I think Jay Leno can wait for a night. Today, I come bearing political gifts. Those readers from Britain will know that we're facing an election. David Cameron, leader of the Conservative party, had a poster...

Friday, 15 January 2010

Now, you're probably sitting there going: "Hmm, Ravi, didn't you talk about Pat Robertson yesterday?" And the answer to that, of course, is yes I did. "So why are you talking about him again, Ravi?" Well I will tell you. THE BASTARD INFURIATES ME. Now, I'm not one to bear a grudge, and I hate hating those who are undeserving of it. But this man [who in my eyes, really isn't much of a man at all] is a complete and utter DOUCHE. Now, those of you who know me well, know that I call myself a douche...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

I would like to start this post by offering my sympathy and [atheist] prayers to the people who have been affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti. I'm going to donate some money later on, and I hope it goes some way to the recovery that will happen over the weeks, months, and years that go by. But there are two major points to this blog post today. Firstly, I want to express my DISGUST at Pat Robertson. After the disaster in Haiti, this televangelist [who I would prefer to call a televasshole]...

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Last Friday, as we all know, beckoned in the new year for us all. A new year, a new decade- but more importantly, in Ireland- a new law. Of course, laws are made all the time, and a government can never please everyone. However, this law has caused substantial unrest, and I for one, feel that opposition is justified. It has now been made illegal to blaspheme in Ireland. Illegal to the tone of a €23,562 fine, in fact. As a fan of comedy, it's impossible to not see the irony in this case. If I'm...

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Yep, that's right. The latest retard convention is upon us!Here we are again, sitting on our butts, watching people who are APPARENTLY famous try and live together in a heavily controlled environment.In the flock this year, we have one whore, and 10 people who have slept WITH a whore. Namely Katie Price.There is only one REAL famous person inhabiting the house, and that's Vinnie Jones. And I think all of us, in harmony, feel that this is too low for Vinnie Jones. Even someone of his standards can...